Saturday, November 14, 2009

20091111 - Successful final client presentation

The 11th of November is in the Netherlands referred to as the ´dag der dwazen/zotten´ (day of fools). For us, it was the day of our final presentation. Remarkable coincidence ;-)

Anyway, for us it was an important day. This was the day we had been working for this month. And although my blogs did not always show that we were working hard, we really did. Work is just not a good blog-subject. So we were pretty nervous; hoping it would all go well. We have been putting the slide deck together until the last minute. Then it was time...

The presentation went very good. We took turns in presenting: Annamari (Introduction), me (survey results), Rich (sales pitch), Elizabeth (micro-finance aspects) and Rich (closing). Our public existed of Vishnu (Ashoka, our client) and 3 people from SAATH (including Niradj who has been a great help to us throughout our project). During the presentation I noticed that the expressions on the faces were very positive, but after the presentation it became clear how positive. They were genuinly happy with the results and they will continue with our deliverables. They applauded twice and Vishnu stated several times that it was really good and exceeded his expectations by far! It felt really great that our work was so well appreciated!

Now, I have with mixed feelings. Although I´m sad that the experience has ended, I´m really happy that we have contributed to the good work of Ashoka and indirectly also of SAATH and SEWA. I am fortunate to have seen the persistance and enthousiasm of these people working to make a difference and I am really glad that I have had the chance see their good work and contribute a little.

And of course we celebrated the successful result we delivered and the end of our assignments :-)

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